How Much Animal Products To I Need?
Nutrients in Animal Products and Their Bioavailability
Data on the nutrient content of the food supply provide data most the contribution of various food groups to nutrients available for consumption. This series is computed and reported by the U.S. Department of Agronomics (USDA). It is designed to written report trends in the levels of nutrients since the early part of the century and changes in food sources of these nutrients. The information take the same limitations as the nutrient supply data in that they are not adjusted for spoilage, trimming, waste, or cooking loss. They measure the nutrients available for consumption by the population rather than nutrient intake. Except for a few processed fruits and vegetables, nutrient values are based on raw food values.
The nutrients consumed correspond merely a fraction of those nowadays in the nutrient supply. Numerous factors, including metabolic, physiological, and nutritional parameters, all influence the absorption, digestion, and ultimate utilization of nutrients inside a food. The bioavailability of a nutrient may not be equivalent in all food sources due to the nutrient'south contradistinct chemic state or to associated factors inside the food or within the meal that cause the nutrient to exist in a more bachelor or less available form. For instance, in dairy products, calcium is nowadays with lactose, a carbohydrate that enhances calcium'south absorption. Some vegetable sources such as spinach also contain considerable amounts of calcium, but the presence of oxalates, which bind calcium as insoluble salts, prevents much of its absorption.
Animal products contribute significantly to the total nutrients in the food supply (Table 2-1 and Effigy two-1). They are a primary source of vitamins B12 and B6, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium and account for 68 percent of the protein available in the food supply.
Tabular array ii-1
Selected Nutrients Provided by Animal Products, 1985 (in percent).
Figure ii-1
Selected nutrients provided by animal products (in percent). Come across also Table two-1. Source: Human Nutrition Data Service, U.S. Department of Agronomics, unpublished data, 1987. (The nutrient composition values for meats are not updated. A revision (more...)
Overall, animal products provide about 36 percent of the calorie content of the food supply while contributing more a third of the fe, vitamin A, thiamine, and magnesium content; about half of the niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6 content; more than than 70 percentage of the zinc content; more than than 80 percent of the calcium content; and most 100 per centum of the vitamin B12 content.
Blood-red meats account for the largest proportion of the calories (nigh 15 percentage), followed by dairy products (ten pct), animal fats (4 pct), poultry (3.5 per centum), eggs (1.6 per centum), and fish and shellfish (0.9 per centum). From 1977 to 1985, the full calories available per capita in the food supply accept increased by vii pct, from 3,330 to 3,560. This parallels an increase in caloric intake indicated past dietary survey data from 1977 to 1985 for children ages 1 to 5 years of 8.3 pct, women ages 19 to fifty years of 5.6 per centum, and men ages nineteen to 50 years of 15 pct.
In the 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (NFCS), animal products contributed an average of about 45 percent of total calories to the diets of all individuals, with dairy products accounting for almost 14 percent; meat, poultry, and fish near 28 percentage; and eggs 2.4 percent (Table 2-two). The meat, poultry, and fish group was the primary source of calories for adults, contributing 24 to 34 pct of total intake. Children of ages 3 to 14 years derived slightly fewer calories from this category (twenty to 25 pct) and more from the dairy and grain products groups than did adults.
TABLE 2-ii
Contribution of Creature Products to Total Calories in the Diet Based on 3-Twenty-four hour period Intake (in per centum).
It is possible that the fat, and therefore the calories, derived from meats, poultry, and fish is overstated in the NFCS assay. In analyzing the dietary survey responses, if an individual did non specify whether he or she ate the separable fat on meat or the poultry skin, the methodolgy stipulated that it exist assumed that all these components were eaten. The American Meat Establish study (Stanton, 1987) addresses this issue.
The protein from animal products differs in several respects from that from vegetable sources. First, animal products are richer than vegetable sources of the 8 essential amino acids, those components of proteins that cannot be synthesized by the torso and must be supplied in food. Brute products provide virtually 3-fourths of the eight essential amino acids in the food supply and contribute about 67 percentage of the total poly peptide, reflecting the greater concentration of these vital nutrients (Table ii-3) (Link-swiler, 1982).
Tabular array ii-3
Percentage of Contribution of Essential Amino Acids from Animal Products to Full Essential Amino Acids in the U.South. Food Supply.
Few proteins from either animal or vegetable sources are consumed without some further processing, usually cooking. How this affects the bioavailability of the proteins for utilization past the body is important, specially when estimating the corporeality of poly peptide bachelor in the nutrient supply. Proper cooking facilitates digestion and utilization by partially breaking down the protein structure. Excessive or prolonged heating, all the same, may actually produce new chemical bonds, decreasing the digestibility of the poly peptide. An example is the decreased physiological availability of lysine, tryptophan, and other amino acids in toasted cereal products (Love, 1982). Lysine, for example, under loftier heat, links with carbohydrate to course a bail resistant to cleavage. Severe heating of animal proteins has also been shown to destroy cystine and result in reduced digestibility and availability of amino acids (Cheftel, 1977).
From the nutrient supply data, about 102 grams of protein are bachelor per capita, with 68.five pct derived from animal products. Of this corporeality, red meat contributes the largest percent (27.six), followed by dairy products (xx.9) and poultry (eleven.ii), with the fish/shellfish and egg groups contributing about 4.6 and 4.2 percent, respectively. The trend in the percentage of calories from protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the nutrient supply from 1957 to 1984 is evident in Table two-four.
Tabular array 2-iv
Sources of Food Energy in the U.Southward. Nutrient Supply for Selected Years (in per centum).
In line with the per capita disappearance information, animal products contributed about 70 percentage of the protein in the 1977-1978 NFCS (Table ii-5). The red meat, poultry, and fish group was the largest source of protein, contributing 40 to 56 percent of the protein in the diets of adults and 35 to 39 percent of the poly peptide in children's diets. Eggs accounted for roughly 3 to 5 per centum of the total protein in the diets of most historic period and sex groups, except for elderly males, who derived 6 per centum of their daily protein from eggs. Table two-six compares NFCS and Standing Survey of Food Intake past Individuals (CSFII) data in terms of the percentage of calories from protein and fatty.
TABLE two-5
Contribution of Animal Products to Poly peptide in the Nutrition Based on 3-Day Intake (in percent).
Table 2-6
Calories from Poly peptide and Fat (in percent).
Fat, Saturated Fatty Acids, and Cholesterol
Although animal products are important sources of many nutrients, they are also a significant source of fat. On a raw footing, animal products account for 57 percent of the fatty available for consumption (Table 2-1). However, the information based on nutrients in raw food may enlarge the fat eaten equally role of meat products because meats lose substantial amounts of fat during cooking. This is not true for foods similar milk and milk products or grains. Waste product is besides an important consideration when trying to determine nutrient sources of fat. For example, all the separable fat on meat may not exist consumed.
Data from the food supply indicate that the contribution of fatty from animal sources has been decreasing, while that from vegetable sources has been increasing (Figure 2-2). Changes in the level and sources of fat in the food supply take also affected the fat acid content. Tabular array 2-vii presents trend data on the percentage of saturated fat acids and ii unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic) in the food supply.
Effigy 2-2
Fatty from animal versus vegetable sources in the U.South. food supply for selected years (in pct). Source: Information from North. R. Raper, and R. 1000. Marston. 1986. Levels and sources of fat in the U.Southward. food supply. Pp. 127-152 in Dietary Fat and Cancer, C. Ip, (more...)
Tabular array 2-seven
Selected Fatty Acids in the U.South. Food Supply (in percent).
Knowledge of the fat acid composition of dietary fats (visible/invisible) is important considering different fatty acids, both saturated and unsaturated, exert different metabolic or physiological effects. Also, in some instances the effects of certain component fatty acids are non known.
Except for milk fatty (butterfat), most animal fats contain palmitic and stearic acids as the major saturated fatty acids. In addition, milk fat contains pregnant amounts of short-chain (C4, C6) and medium-chain (C8, Cx, C12) fatty acids (Tabular array ii-8). (The classification used to depict a fatty acrid includes carbon chain length and numbers of double bonds, if nowadays. For case, an 18-carbon fatty acid with one double bail would be written as C181; an 18-carbon fatty acid without double bonds, that is, completely saturated, would be written equally C180.) Electric current prove indicates that different dietary saturated fat acids may have different physiological effects. For example, stearic acrid (C180) has negligible effects on serum cholesterol levels as compared to palmitic acid (C160) (Hegsted et al., 1965; Keys et al., 1965). Furthermore, the metabolic furnishings of the curt- and medium-chain fatty acids of milk fatty have non been determined, and information technology is questionable whether they should be grouped (for nutritional considerations) with the saturated fatty acids with known hyperlipidemic furnishings, such as palmitic acrid.
Tabular array 2-eight
Fat Acrid Composition of Selected Fats and Oils, Expressed as Percentage of Total Fatty Acids.
Oleic acid (C181), a major fatty acid component of beast fats, has hypocholesterolemic (cholesterol-lowering) effects (Grundy, 1986), and therefore in moderate amounts is non considered to exist an undesirable dietary fatty acid. All fauna fats contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, usually in relatively modest amounts (Table two-8). The common tendency to broadly categorize all beast fats as high in saturated fatty acids is inaccurate; animal fats are made upward of a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fat acids, as shown in Table two-8. The potential physiological effects of brute fats containing significant amounts of stearic (C180), oleic (C181), short-chain fatty acids, or all three need to be evaluated.
Contrary to pop opinion, vegetable oils rank equally one of the primary sources of saturated fat acids in the food supply. As shown in Table two-8, vegetable oils such every bit kokosnoot, palm, and palm kernel oils are as much or more saturated than nigh animate being fats, and considerable amounts are used in commercial baking and equally frying fats. Other vegetable oils contain a smaller pct of saturated fatty acids, simply contribute substantially to the full because of the volume in which they are consumed.
Data on the contribution of animal products to total dietary fat from the 1977-1978 NFCS are presented in Table 2-9. Dietary levels of fatty averaged 41 percent of full calories for the survey population. More than 63 percent of the full fat was derived from iii groups of animal products: 42 per centum from cherry-red meats, poultry, and fish; 17 percent from milk and milk products; and 4 percent from eggs.
Contribution of Animal Products to Fat in the Nutrition Based on 3-Twenty-four hour period Intake (in percentage).
In the 1977-1978 NFCS, carmine meats provided the major source of fat (32 to 49 pct) in the diets of all age groups other than infants. The contribution of cerise meat, poultry, and fish to total fatty was highest for men and women ages 35 to l. Nevertheless, males ages fifteen to eighteen derived a smaller proportion of fatty from the scarlet meat group and a greater proportion from milk and milk products than did adult males. These young males had the highest fat intake of any grouping. Grains, milk, and milk products contributed roughly comparable amounts of fat to the diets of adults (11 to 15 percent). These nutrient groups were greater sources of fat for children and teenagers than for adults.
Within the meats group, beef was the primary source of fatty for most age and sex groups, particularly adult males (Tabular array two-10). Males ages 19 to fifty derived 17 percent of their dietary fat from beef, compared with xv.2 percent for females of the same historic period. Poultry was a slightly more of import source of fat for women than for men. Pork contributed proportionately more to fat intake for children ages ane to 5 than for other ages. This historic period group consumed a greater proportion of its meat in the course of processed pork, in item, frankfurters and bologna (Pao et al., 1982).
TABLE two-ten
Contribution of Beast Products to Mean Intake of Fat and Percentage of Fatty Based on i-24-hour interval Intake.
Table 2-11 summarizes 1985 CSFII data on the fat and cholesterol in women's diets. The ruddy meat, poultry, and fish group (including mixtures) was the primary source of fat, fatty acids, and cholesterol in women'southward diets, with red meat providing nigh half of these components. Red meat was the most meaning source of cholesterol, although the contribution of poultry was only slightly less than that of beef or other red meats. Shell eggs accounted for just 29 per centum of total cholesterol intake because most eggs are consumed as ingredients in other foods, so that the cholesterol originating from eggs is distributed amidst other food groups such equally grain products.
TABLE two-11
Percentage of Fat, Fatty Acids, and Cholesterol in Diets of Women, Ages 19-50 Years Based on 1-Twenty-four hours Intake.
The USDA is developing an automated system for classifying ingredients of mixtures reported in its surveys into appropriate groups. For example, the beef and vegetables in beef stew now classified as a mixture will be moved to the beefiness and vegetable groups. This classification organization will exist used to supplement the arrangement now used, not supplant it. The partly completed system was used to determine the proportion of fat and cholesterol in the 4-day diets of women surveyed in 1985. Commercially prepared bakery products such equally staff of life, doughnuts, and snacks accept non however been separated into ingredients and some ingredients are in raw form.
Preliminary results propose that the reddish meat, poultry, and fish category provided nigh ane-quaternary of the fatty and more than one-tertiary of the cholesterol. Fresh, unprocessed red meat provided almost 1-5th of the full fat and cholesterol. Eggs provided more 40 percentage of the cholesterol. Fats and oils provided about one-tenth of the fat, i-10th of saturated fatty acids, and only 5 percent of the cholesterol, all of which was from animal sources. This information is summarized in Table 2-12.
Tabular array 2-12
Estimated Percentage of Contribution of Fat, Saturated Fatty Acids, and Cholesterol past Fauna Products in Diets of Women, Ages xix-fifty Years.
Animal products contribute between 33 and 100 percentage of bachelor quantities of specific vitamins in the food supply. They are skilful sources of almost of the B vitamins, particularly riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.
In the 1977-1978 NFCS, milk and milk products contributed 14 percentage of calories but larger proportions of several nutrients. They were the principal source of riboflavin and vitamin B12 in the diet, contributing an average of near thirty percent. Milk and milk products also contributed over 16 percent of vitamin A and smaller percentages of other vitamins. Eggs contributed over 4 percentage of vitamin A and riboflavin.
Table 2-thirteen summarizes the contribution of animal products to the vitamin content of the diet, using information from the 1977-1978 NFCS. The category of crimson meat, poultry, and fish is the major source of the preformed niacin (44.3 percent), vitamin Bvi (39.ix per centum), riboflavin (24.2 percent), thiamine (23.6 percent), and vitamin A (12 percent) in the nutrition.
Tabular array 2-thirteen
Contribution of Beast Products to Selected Vitamins and Minerals in the Nutrition Based on 3-Day Intake (in percent).
Animal products also contribute essentially to the mineral content of the food supply, as indicated in Table 2-1, providing 42 percentage of the fe, more than than a tertiary of all magnesium, and over 60 percent of the calcium and phosphorus.
Prior to 1979, the red meat, poultry, and fish group was the master source of iron in the nutrient supply. Increased fortification of foods with iron (for example, in flour) and the refuse in red meat consumption, notwithstanding, have made grain products (composed entirely of nonhemoglobin atomic number 26) the primary iron source in the nutrition. Animal products contribute about 28 percent of the total iron to the food supply; cereals and grains account for 39.3 percent; fruits and vegetables, xix.2 per centum; and dry beans, peas, nuts, and all others, thirteen.7 percent.
Data from the 1977-1978 NFCS indicate that animal products contribute about 42 percent of the full iron to the nutrition (Table two-14). Of this corporeality, the ruby-red meat, poultry, and fish category provides the highest percentage, 34.5, with milk and milk products and eggs each contributing about 4 percentage.
Table two-14
Contribution of Brute Products to Iron in the Diet Based on 3-Twenty-four hour period Intake (in percent).
Animal products contribute more than lxxx percent of the total calcium bachelor in the food supply (Tabular array 2-i). Milk and milk products provide 76.2 percent; fruits and vegetables, viii.8 percent; red meat, poultry, and fish, 4.2 pct; cereals and grains, 3.6 percent; beans, peas, and nuts, 3.1 percent; and other foods, 2.four per centum. The level of calcium in the food supply and the contribution from dairy products has remained fairly abiding during the last 20 years. Despite significant declines in the consumption of fluid milk, milk is still the chief source of calcium, contributing 28 percent to the total calcium derived from dairy products; cheese is a close second at 27 pct. If current consumption trends continue, both cheese and low-fatty milk should surpass whole milk as the main source of calcium in the food supply within the next twelvemonth.
A number of factors influence the assimilation and utilization of dietary calcium. Vitamin D facilitates the movement of calcium into the duodenal mucosal cells and increases absorption. High-protein diets also increase calcium assimilation because of the action of specific amino acids, especially serine, arginine, and lysine. The presence of lactose (the carbohydrate found exclusively in animal products) and/or acidophilic flora (such as lactobacilli in cultured dairy products) too increases calcium absorption.
Substances that form insoluble complexes with calcium hinder its normal absorption; these include phytates (establish in the outer layers of cereal grains), oxalates (present in spinach, Swiss chard, beet tops, cocoa, and rhubarb), and free fat acids. Foods loftier in saturated fatty acids are probable to produce free fat acids that will then combine with calcium to form insoluble complexes.
Data from the 1977-1978 NFCS indicate that fauna products contribute near 60.7 percent of the total calcium in the nutrition (Tabular array 2-xv). Of this corporeality, the milk and milk products category, provides l.4 percentage and the meats and eggs categories contribute vii.5 and 2.eight percent, respectively. Grain products provide 22 percent, some of which is provided by ingredients from animal sources such as milk and eggs.
Tabular array 2-15
Contribution of Animal Products to Calcium in the Diet Based on iii-Day Intake (in percent).
Trends in Individual Commodities
Red Meat, Poultry, and Fish
Food Supply Data (1965-1985)
In 1985 the total food supply of ruddy meat, poultry, and fish was at an all-fourth dimension high of 185 pounds per capita, edible weight (Table 2-sixteen)—a xv percent increment over 1965 and an 8 percent increment over 1975. This edible weight serial is new from the USDA as of 1985. Data on fish, which is reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce, have always been reported on an edible weight basis, but a comparable serial was not bachelor for red meat and poultry. The purpose of reporting the data on an edible weight footing is to facilitate quantity comparisons between types of meat. The edible weight measure excludes all bones only does include the 0.25 to 0.5 inch of separable fat unremarkably sold on retail cuts of red meat. The trends for individual commodities, though, have differed profoundly, with changes in different directions and of different magnitudes.
TABLE ii-16
Per Capita Disappearance of Crimson Meat, Poultry, and Fish by Edible Weight (in pounds).
The largest increase in per capita disappearance has been for poultry; between 1965 and 1985, craven increased 72 percent and turkey increased 69, per centum. From 1980 to 1985, total poultry increased more than 13 pct; from 1975 to 1985, information technology rose more than 40 per centum.
In 1985 per capita disappearance of red meat was about .7 percent higher than it was in 1965, but it has dropped most 2.5 per centum since 1975 and most two percent since 1980. Per capita disappearance of scarlet meat has decreased more than 10 pct from its highest level of 135.3 pounds in 1971 to its 1985 level of 121.4 pounds.
Beef accounts for more than 60 percent of the four items (beef, veal, lamb, and pork) in the red meat category. In 1985 per capita disappearance was upward most seven percent compared to xx years ago (74.4 pounds in 1985 versus 69.v pounds in 1965). Per capita disappearance of beef peaked in 1976, at 89.0 pounds. Both veal and lamb, which together make up a lilliputian over 2 percent of full reddish meat, have remained stable over the past ten years at about ane.five pounds per capita, although they are both at less than half their 1965 levels.
Per capita disappearance of pork has fluctuated considerably during the past 15 years, from a high of 52.7 pounds in 1971 to a depression of 37.ane pounds in 1975. In 1985, it was 44.2 pounds. At present, pork accounts for more than than a third of the total ruby-red meat in the food supply.
Fish in the food supply was at a record high of 14.5 pounds per capita in 1985, up about 19 percent since 1975 and 34 percentage since 1965.
A number of theories attempt to explain these trends. Brusque-term reactions to situations such as shifts in consumer toll relationships owing to increased supplies of ane article relative to another may business relationship for some changes. Other, longer term factors, such as diet and wellness concerns, might also play an important role (Stucker and Parham, 1984).
Although the food supply data do non directly measure food intake, they have been used to guess the corporeality of nutrient potentially available on a cooked, edible basis. The 185 pounds of red meat, poultry, and fish available per capita in 1985 translates to roughly 8.1 ounces per day, raw weight. The USDA estimates that cooking losses for meat, poultry, and fish range from 15 to thirty percentage, depending on the type of commodity and the method of preparation (U.S. Section of Agriculture, 1975). Using this adjustment for the conversion of the data indicates that roughly 5.7 to seven.0 ounces of cooked, edible red meat, poultry, and fish were available from the food supply per person per twenty-four hour period in 1985. Spoilage, plate waste, and trimming during training farther reduced the amount actually ingested. Also, this gauge does not take into account differences in intake by age and sex groups or variations that occur in daily intake.
Dietary Survey Data
In general, the dietary survey data reflect the turn down in red meat consumption indicated by the food supply information (Tabular array ii-17). Comparison of data from the 1977-1978 NFCS and the 1985 CSFII indicates that the average daily intake of beef by women ages xix to fifty declined by 45 percentage compared with 22 percent for pork and 19 pct for processed meats. In contrast to the nutrient supply data, the survey of women's diets indicated a 14 percent decline in chicken intake. Comparison of data from the 1977-1978 NFCS and 1985 CSFII betoken that the intake of fish increased xviii percentage.
TABLE ii-17
Meat, Poultry, and Fish: Trends in Consumption and Hateful Intake.
Despite pregnant declines in the intake of scarlet meat by women between 1977 and 1985, intake of the total reddish meat, poultry, and fish category declined only slightly. Mixtures accounted for half of the total intake of the red meat, poultry, and fish category in 1985, compared with 1-third in 1977. The shift to mixtures signifies that meats are being used more as an ingredient in meals and less as a split up menu item.
The 1985 CSFII data bespeak that changes in men's intake of meat were like to those for women. Mixtures that may have included foods other than meats (such as grains) deemed for two-thirds of the full intake of cherry meat, poultry, and fish.
National Live Stock & Meat Board Study
The National Alive Stock & Meat Board study, ''Contribution of Reddish Meat to the U.S. Diet'' (Breidenstein and Williams, 1987), estimated meat intake using per capita disappearance information and private survey data (Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc., 1985). The individual survey segmented the population into unlike user levels (light, moderate, or heavy) on the basis of telephone interviews of ane,211 individuals identified as the primary food shopper for the household. This analysis differs from recall data from dietary, surveys in that estimates for "ingested" and "bachelor" crimson meats are reconciled numerically. The surveyors estimated that daily per capita cooked red meat intake for light users was 41.4 grams (i.45 ounces); for moderate users, 117 grams (4.14 ounces); and for heavy users, 216.31 grams (7.66 ounces). The estimated breakdown past unlike types of meat is given in Table 2-18. The nutrient contribution of ruby-red meat by apply level is summarized in Table 2-19. The commission believes that the data provide a useful assay of carmine meat consumption in the U.s.a..
TABLE 2-xviii
Estimated Average Daily Consumption of Cooked Carmine Meats in the U.S. Diet, 1984.
TABLE 2-19
Nutrient Contribution of Full Cooked Blood-red Meat Ingestion by Consumption Level in the U.S. Diet, 1984.
Milk, Milk Products, and Eggs
Nutrient Supply Information (1965-1985)
Historically, milk and milk products have been an important role of the U.S. diet. Only equally for red meats, trends for individual milk and milk products differ profoundly (Table 2-20): low-fat milk, yogurt, and difficult cheese take increased the most of all products in this category from 1965 to 1985, whereas whole and candy milk (condensed and evaporated) take shown the largest decrease during the aforementioned period.
TABLE 2-xx
Per Capita Trends for Selected Milk, Milk Products, and Eggs.
Whole, low-fat, skim and flavored milks and buttermilk currently establish nearly iii-fourths of the milk and milk products group on a product weight footing. In 1985 per capita sales of fluid whole milk was at most half the level it was in 1965 (116.5 pounds versus 236.five pounds). In contrast, per capita sales of low-fatty milk increased more than 680 percent during this same menstruum, from 10.9 pounds in 1965 to 85.0 pounds in 1985. This dramatic shift from whole milk to low-fat milk is about likely due to a combination of health concerns and taste preferences, since the per capita sales of skim milk have remained at well-nigh the same level for two decades. Agglomeration (1985) suggests that the food supply of fluid milk has declined due to demographic changes and competition from other beverages.
Yogurt is another dairy product that has increased tremendously in the food supply, especially during the past 10 years. Between 1980 and 1985 it increased over l percent, between 1975 and 1985 it increased more than 90 percent, and between 1965 and 1985 it increased more than 1,200 percentage. Still, per capita sales of yogurt business relationship for little more than than 1 percent of all dairy products. The amount of difficult cheese in the food supply has also increased, past over 27 percentage since 1980, by 9.five percent between 1970 and 1985, and past more than than 130 percentage between 1965 and 1985. Ice cream, cottage cheese, and butter have remained around their 1970 levels.
Dietary Survey Information
NFCS (1977-1978). The pct of individuals using fluid milk decreased abruptly for those in their tardily teens and early twenties. Whereas 94 percent of males and 89 percentage of females ages 15 to 18 drank milk at to the lowest degree once during the three survey days, merely 78 pct of the males and 79 percentage of the females ages 23 to 34 reported consuming milk. Average intake and serving size also dropped abruptly afterward historic period xviii. Milk consumption for males was highest for 12-to 18-year-olds, who consumed an average of 19 ounces a solar day.
Women ages 35 to 50 drank the least corporeality of milk in the survey, averaging but 5 ounces per day. Twenty-eight percent of the women in this age group had not drunk milk on whatsoever of the iii survey days. Males drank more milk than females in every age group.
L-four pct of the survey respondents consumed eggs on at least i of the iii survey days (Table 2-21). (Information are for eggs that are reported every bit a split food and do not include quantities eaten every bit an ingredient in other foods.) In general, males had slightly higher intakes than females, averaging 37 grams per twenty-four hours compared to 24 grams for females. Ane large egg weighs approximately 50 grams. The survey data indicate that older adults eat eggs more than frequently than do younger adults, although the intake per user is not every bit high. Twenty-iv percent of males and 13 percentage of females ages 65 and older ate eggs on all iii of the survey days, compared with only 10 percent of the total population.
CSFII (1985). Women's intake of milk as a beverage and in dairy products has remained relatively abiding between 1977 and 1985 (Table 2-22). The changes within the dairy category parallel those plant in the food supply data. Total fluid milk intake declined 5 percent, only there was a substantial shift from whole milk, which was downwards 35 percentage, to low-fat and skim milk, which was upwards 60 percent. Simply about one-half of the women had drunk milk on the day surveyed (Behlen, 1986).
TABLE 2-22
Milk, Milk Products, Eggs, Fats, and Oils: Trends in Consumption and Mean Intake.
Cheese intake was up 6 per centum from 1977 to 1985. This is much less of an increment than that indicated by the nutrient supply data. However, a big proportion of cheese is consumed as an ingredient in mixed foods such as macaroni and cheese and in pizza, and in the CSFII, these foods would be included in the grain mixtures category. Similarly, cheese served on a hamburger or in a ham and cheese sandwich would be included in the meat mixtures category. Intake of meat mixtures and grain mixtures increased significantly from the previous survey. Therefore, the smaller increment in cheese intake in the CSFII is likely associated with the fact that more meat and grain mixtures are existence eaten.
Fats and Oils
Food Supply Data (1965-1985)
Quantities of fats and oils in the nutrient supply are measured past the industry of products such as shortening, margarine, and salad and cooking oils (Table 2-23). Information include all fats and oils except those that occur naturally in foods such as meats, milk and milk products, and nuts. Betwixt 1965 and 1985, per capita disappearance of fats and oils increased 32 percent. Over the same fourth dimension period, at that place was a shift from brute to vegetable sources, although this tendency seems to have leveled off (Figure two-3).
Table 2-23
Per Capita Disappearance of Separated Fats and Oils (edible weight in pounds).
Figure two-3
Total fat content of the food supply, 1985. Betwixt 1965 and 1985 the total fatty content of the nutrient supply increased by nigh 34 pct. The shift from animal to vegetable sources has been fifty-fifty more dramatic: Fatty from animate being sources decreased 22 pct (more...)
About 50 per centum of fats and oils are used in processed foods such every bit baked goods, salad dressing, and spud and corn chips. The residue is used by restaurants and institutions or purchased in grocery stores for home use. Restaurant use of fats and oils increased 69 percent between 1969 and 1979, primarily because of the increase in the number of fast-food restaurants and other establishments serving fried foods like chicken, fish, and french fried potatoes (Bunch and Hazera, 1984). Although in that location is little information on changes since 1979, eatery utilise of edible tallow for frying is primarily responsible for the increased apply of animal fats since 1980 (Karen Bunch, USDA Economic Research Service, personal communication, 1986).
In 1985, butter, lard, and tallow accounted for 20 percent of the total use of fats and oils. About 4 pounds of lard and tallow per capita were used directly, either by restaurants or consumers. Some other half dozen pounds were used to produce shortening and, to a lesser extent, margarine. Similarly, a diversity of vegetable oils are used in the production of fat and oil products. Vegetable oils contain varying amounts of saturated and unsaturated fats, as shown in Tabular array two-8. Some vegetable oils, such every bit coconut and palm, actually incorporate as big a proportion (if not larger) of saturated fatty acids as tallow and lard.
Because these data are derived from estimates of production, they exercise not measure actual ingestion of fats and oils. Waste may exist pregnant, peculiarly for salad dressings and for fats and oils used in frying. Estimates of waste range from two pct for table spreads such as butter and margarine to 20 percent for salad oils and frying fats (Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc., 1985). Some estimates of waste matter are as loftier as thirty percent for these products (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1975).
Dietary Survey Data
NFCS (1977-1978). It is difficult to measure intake of fats and oils (such as margarine or cooking oils) through a survey of private diets because a large proportion of this fat is used in cooking or consumed in processed foods. Therefore, reported intake levels of fats and oils will be below the amounts really consumed.
Intake of fats and oils reported in the NFCS ranged from 8 grams/twenty-four hour period for children ages i to 11 to 16 grams/24-hour interval for adults ages 19 to 64. Developed males ages 51 to 64 had the highest intake of all age groups, 21 grams/ day. I tablespoon of butter or margarine weighs xiii grams; a tablespoon of salad oil weighs 11 grams.
CSFII. The trend in the food supply data toward increased utilize of fat and oil products was besides reflected to some extent in food intakes measured past the CSFII. Again, these are fats and oils that are consumed directly or in processed foods rather than fats that occur naturally in foods. Women's intake of the fats and oils reported separately increased fourteen per centum between 1977 and 1985 because of a 38 percent increase in salad dressing use. Fats and oils consumed as ingredients in baked goods and mixed dishes, as seasoning, or absorbed during cooking are a role of the weight of the reported food. Since these amounts are expected to be substantial, surveys of individual intakes are not appropriate for measuring alter in consumption of fats and oils.
Special Studies
Household Reject Analysis Projection
The Household Refuse Analysis Project at the University of Arizona attempted to estimate dietary patterns through recording characterization data from discarded food packages and analyzing food debris in household decline. This projection has collected data from vi cities since 1977 (Rathje and Ho, 1987). Over a 7-year menstruum from 1979 to 1985, the quantities of meat fat recorded from Tucson, Arizona, refuse indicated a trend toward greater discard of fat from meat cuts. From 1979 to 1982, the percentage of fat cut off red meats averaged betwixt 3 and 10 percent; from 1985 to 1985 the discard pct increased to 12 to 16 percent. Data from a retirement community in Arizona revealed that meat fat discard percentage rose from thirteen pct in 1976 to 93 pct in 1985 (Rathje and Ho, 1987).
The other tendency that was identified by this project is an overall decrease in the purchase of blood-red meat with separable fatty (for example, as retail cuts in the form of chops, steaks, and roasts) and an increase in the purchase of red meat with nonseparable fat (for example, ground beef, sausages, tiffin meats, hot dogs, and bacon). Convenience is cited as the most likely explanation for these seemingly contradictory trends; another possibility is that many consumers may not realize that the levels of fat present in ground beefiness, sausage, hot dogs, and bacon are substantially higher than those in closely trimmed retail cuts (Rathje and Ho, 1987).
St. Joseph's University/American Meat Establish Study
Another judge of the contribution of the fatty nowadays in cherry-red meat to the total fat content in the diet was fabricated in a study for the American Meat Institute by the University of Food Marketing at St. Joseph's Academy (Stanton, 1987). Researchers substituted new nutrient composition information from USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8-thirteen for beef (U.South. Department of Agriculture, 1986) and USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8-x for pork (U.South. Department of Agriculture, 1983) for the food intake data from the 1977-1978 NFCS, made adjustments for the change in retail beef trim from 0.five to 0.25 inch, and reestimated the number of individuals consuming the separable fat on meat. These adjustments resulted in an average total fat intake of 28 to 34 grams for males age 18 and older and 21 to 24 grams for females age 18 and older. The assay indicated that with adjustments for these three factors, for males historic period 18 and older, there was a reduction in total fat intake of 11 to 12 per centum and a reduction in grams of fat from meat of 28 to 29 percent; the reductions from previously reported NFCS estimates of fat consumption were comparable for females of the same ages.
National Live Stock & Meat Board Study
The National Live Stock & Meat Board report (Breidenstein and Williams, 1987), which used per capita disappearance data and private consumer survey information, estimated the food contribution of blood-red meat to the diets of light, moderate, and heavy users of cherry-red meat. Researchers estimated that for moderate users, red meat contributes less than 12 per centum of the calories from fatty, of which virtually 4.5 percent is from saturated fat. In improver, cherry-red meat deemed for most 92 mg of the cholesterol and 526 mg of the sodium per day in the diets of moderate users. A summary of the study's findings is presented in Tables two-eighteen and 2-nineteen.
Behlen, P. 1986. Calcium in women'southward diets. Pp. 16-19 in National Food Review, NFR-34, U.Due south. Department of Agriculture, Economic Inquiry Service. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Press Office.
Breidenstein, B. C. and J. C. Williams. 1987. Contribution of Reddish Meat to the U.Southward. Diet. Chicago, Ill.: National Live Stock & Meat Board.
Bunch Thou. 1985. Whole milk is no longer the beverage of choice. Pp. 21-24 in National Food Review, NFR-29, Economical Research Service. Washington, D.C.: U.South. Department of Agronomics.
Agglomeration, K., and J. Hazera. 1984. Fats and Oils: Consumers Use More But Different Kinds. Pp. 18-21 in National Food Review, NFR-29, Economical Research Service. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agronomics.
Cheftel, J. C. 1977. Chemical and nutritional modifications of nutrient proteins due to processing and storage. Pp. 401-445 in Food Proteins, J. R. Whitaker and S. R. Tannenbaum, eds. Westport, Conn.: AVI Printing.
Grundy, South. Yard. 1986. Comparing of monounsaturated fatty acids and carbohydrates for lowering plasma cholesterol. N. Engl. J. Med. 314:745. [PubMed: 3951504]
Hegsted, D. One thousand., R. B. McGandy, K. L. Myer, and F. J. Stare. 1965. Quantitative effects of dietary fat on serum cholesterol in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 17:281. [PubMed: 5846902]
Keys, A., J. T. Anderson, and F. Grande. 1965. Serum cholesterol response to changes in the diet. Four. Detail saturated fatty acids in the diet. Metabolism xiv:776. [PubMed: 25286466]
Linkswiler, H. Yard. 1982. Importance of animal poly peptide in human nutrition. P. 271 in Beast Products in Human Nutrition, D. C. Beitz, editor; and R. One thousand. Hansen, editor. , eds. New York: Academic Press.
Beloved, J. 1982. Constituents of creature products that are affected by cooking and processing. Pp. 177-198 in Animate being Products in Human Nutrition, D.C. Beitz, editor; and R. M. Hansen, editor. , eds. New York: Academic Press.
Pao, E. M., Thou. North. Flemming, P. M. Guenther, and Southward. J. Mickle. 1982. Foods commonly eaten by individuals. Amount per day and per eating occassion. Abode Economics Study No. 44. Washington, D.C.: U.Southward. Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Information Service.
Rathje, Westward. L., and East. Eastward. Ho. 1987. Meat fat madness: Conflicting patterns of meat fat consumption and their public health implications. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc. 87:1357. [PubMed: 3655164]
Stanton, J. L. 1987. An Investigation of Fat Intake. Newspaper presented to the American Meat Institute, Washington, D.C., Jan.
Stucker, T., and K. Parham. 1984. Beefiness, pork, and poultry: Our changing consumption habits. Pp. 20-22 in National Food Review, NFR-25. U.S. Section of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Press Office.
U.Due south. Department of Agronomics. 1975. Food Yields Summarized past Different Stages of Grooming. Agriculture Handbook No. 102, Agronomical Enquiry Service. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Authorities Printing Office.
U.South. Department of Agriculture. 1983. Composition of Foods: Pork Products. Agriculture Handbook No. 8-10. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Authorities Printing Function.
U.S. Department of Agronomics. 1986. Limerick of Foods: Beef Products. Agriculture Handbook No. 8-13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Authorities Printing Function.
Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc. 1985. The Consumer Climate for Meat Products. Prepared for the American Meat Institute, Washington, D.C., and the National Live Stock & Meat Board, Chicago, Ill. New York. Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc.
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